Hey bloggers, so I should give you an update about what's happening right now and just to keep you guys updated and stuff. So I was wondering that I probably should upload something this Saturday or during the holiday time as you guys are requesting me to do so much videos, like literally my mail is full of requests to do videos so I thought I should upload a video at the very quickest as I am very eager to start making videos again as well so I'll probably start soon! Do you have any more requests? If you do then make sure you e-mail me at ohsnapitzaffy@gmail.com and I'll be sure to keep that in my mind. I have also been highly requested to do Q&A questions, so I'm guessing you want to know a little bit more about us which is very cool with, so that shall be our first video, I promise that this will be up either this weekend or during the holiday.
I will try my very best as I'm in the process of doing my exams - I have completed 3 exams so far and I have 12 more to go :( Ahh it's very stressing and have been revising a lot hence the reason why I don't have much time to spare for YouTube but as I keep saying please keep requesting and don't forget to subscribe.
As my first video is going to be a Q&A video I would like you to send in some questions for us to answer, we'll find some of our own as well as answering yours, so you can also send them through my g-mail and I shall note that down for when we do our video!
ohsnapitzaffy xo
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